The following study programme applies to Year 1 entrants admitted in or after 2024-25 Academic Year.

Core Courses No. of Credits
Language Requirements
CHI 101-2 First Year Chinese I and II 8
ENG 111-2 English Usage I and II 6
Introductory Courses
PSY 100 Introductory Psychology 3
PSY 103 Statistics for Social Sciences 3
PSY 110 Biological Bases of Behaviour 3
PSY 120 Lifespan Developmental Psychology 3
Additional Requirements for all Students: 
COUN 110  Personal Growth (2 hrs.per week, Pass/Fail) 0
General Education Courses and/or Non-Departmental Elective Courses (Level 1-2)
Students must choose at least 6 credits from the General Education courses 9
Core Courses No. of Credits
Language Requirements
ENG 211-2 English Writing I and II 6
Foundation Courses
COUN 200 Theories & Systems in Counselling and Psychotherapy 3
COUN 210 Micro-Skills in Counselling and Psychotherapy 3
COUN 250 Psychological Intervention for SEN Support 3
PSY 204 Personality and Individual Differences 3
PSY 205 Cognitive Psychology 3
PSY 206 Research Methods & Designs 3
Departmental Elective Courses
Students must choose at least 3 credits from the following courses 3
COUN 371 Collaboration with Clinic, School, Home and Community for SEN Support
PSY 207 History & Systems of Psychology
PSY 208 Psychoanalytic Concepts
PSY 209 Positive Psychology
PSY 214 Qualitative Research Methods
PSY 215 Cyberpsychology
PSY 216 Psychology of Aging
PSY 303 Health Psychology
PSY 308 Human Sexuality
PSY 320 Motivation and Learning
General Education Courses (Level 1-3)
Students must choose at least 6 credits from the General Education courses 6
Core Courses No. of Credits
Advanced Level Courses
PSY 200 Social Psychology  3
COUN 220 Cultural Diversity in Counselling and Psychotherapy 3
COUN 300 Pre-internship & Counsellee Experience 3
COUN 310 Advanced Skills in Individual Counselling & Psychotherapy 3
COUN 330 Ethics: Professional Issues and Personal Awareness 3
COUN 340 Advanced Skills in Group Facilitation 3
PSY 371 or
PSY 373
Departmental Elective Courses
Students must choose at least 3 credits from the following courses 3
COUN 320 School Counselling
COUN 350 Child Counselling
COUN 360 Adolescent Counselling
COUN 372 Psychological Intervention for Students with Behavioural, Emotional and Social Development Needs (BESDN)
COUN 373 Psychological Intervention for Students with Cognition and Learning Needs (CLN)
COUN 374 Psychological Intervention for Students with Sensory, Communication and Physical Needs (SCPN)
COUN 375 Supporting Children and Adolescents with Mental Health Needs
COUN 380 Addiction Counselling
COUN 390 Gerontological Counselling
COUN 400 Chinese Psychology and Psychotherapy
COUN 410 Alternative Approaches to Counselling
COUN 420 Relationship Counselling
COUN 440 Family Therapy
COUN 450 Career and Employment Counselling
COUN 460 Loss, Grief and Bereavement
PSY 207 History & Systems of Psychology
PSY 208 Psychoanalytic Concepts
PSY 209 Positive Psychology
PSY 213 Computer-Assisted Data Analysis
PSY 214 Qualitative Research Methods
PSY 215 Cyberpsychology
PSY 216 Psychology of Aging
PSY 300 Abnormal Psychology
PSY 303 Health Psychology
PSY 304 Psychology Assessment
PSY 306 Business Psychology
PSY 307 Educational Psychology
PSY 308 Human Sexuality
PSY 309 Industrial and Organizational Psychology
PSY 310 Advanced Cognitive Psychology
PSY 320 Motivation and Learning
PSY 330 Advanced Social Psychology
PSY 340 Advanced Developmental Psychology
PSY 350 Criminal Psychology
PSY 360 Psychology of Relationships: Love, intimacy and self-regulation
PSY 404 Psychology of Consciousness
PSY 405 Human Neuropsychology
PSY 406 Specific Issues in Neuroscience
PSY 410 Psychoanalytic Readings
Non-Departmental Elective Courses (Level 2-4) 3
Core Courses: No. of Credits
Advanced Level Courses
PSY 372 or
PSY 374
Research Project or
Capstone Project
PSY407 Contemporary Issues in Psychology 3
Compulsory Practical Work
COUN 461-2 Internship in Counselling I & II 8
Departmental Elective Courses
Students must choose at least 6 credits from the following Departmental Elective courses 6-15
COUN 320 School Counselling
COUN 350 Child Counselling
COUN 360 Adolescent Counselling
COUN 372 Psychological Intervention for Students with Behavioural, Emotional and Social Development Needs (BESDN)
COUN 373 Psychological Intervention for Students with Cognition and Learning Needs (CLN)
COUN 374 Psychological Intervention for Students with Sensory, Communication and Physical Needs (SCPN)
COUN 375 Supporting Children and Adolescents with Mental Health Needs
COUN 380 Addiction Counselling
COUN 390 Gerontological Counselling
COUN 400 Chinese Psychology and Psychotherapy
COUN 410 Alternative Approaches to Counselling
COUN 420 Relationship Counselling
COUN 440 Family Therapy
COUN 450 Career and Employment Counselling
COUN 460 Loss, Grief and Bereavement
COUN 470 Application in Psychopathologies
PSY 300 Abnormal Psychology
PSY 303 Health Psychology
PSY 304 Psychology Assessment
PSY 306 Business Psychology
PSY 307 Educational Psychology
PSY 308 Human Sexuality
PSY 309 Industrial and Organizational Psychology
PSY 310 Advanced Cognitive Psychology
PSY 320 Motivation and Learning
PSY 330 Advanced Social Psychology
PSY 340 Advanced Developmental Psychology
PSY 350 Criminal Psychology
PSY 360 Psychology of Relationships: Love, intimacy and self-regulation
PSY 404 Psychology of Consciousness
PSY 405 Human Neuropsychology
PSY 406 Specific Issues in Neuroscience
PSY 410 Psychoanalytic Readings
Non-Departmental Electives (Level 3-4)  
Students must choose from the Level 3 or 4 courses offered by other departments 0-9