Department of Counselling and Psychology Course Outline
Course Title Motivation and Learning 
Course Code PSY320
Number of Credits 3
Duration of Weeks 15
Contact Hours Per Week 2 hours Lecture; 1 hour Tutorial
Pre-requisite Course(s)

PSY100 Introductory Psychology

Course Amins
The course aims at introducing students to the theories and empirical studies in human learning and motivation. Concerning motivation-related themes, this course covers various topics in drives, instincts, goals, self-control, self-regulation, emotion and motivation, and etc. In addition, the course aims at developing students’ abilities to explore people’s conceptual or behavioural changes from the perspective of their motivation. In lectures and tutorials, students are encouraged to apply motivational theories to the local context and their daily lives.
For Reference Only
© 2025 Department of Counselling & Psychology, Hong Kong Shue Yan University