Programme Objective
The Master of Social Sciences in Psychology sets out to provide an education for students who are holders of Bachelor's degrees with Honours in fields other than psychology who have an interest in gaining psychological knowledge. It will also serve as the first step for those who intend to pursue Master's level education or above in the field of psychology in Hong Kong or overseas (e.g. Counselling Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Educational Psychology, Industrial-Organizational Psychology, etc.)
Latest News

Information Seminar
Non local online seminar: 3 March 2025; 
Local information seminar: 18 August 2025

The Brain and Mental Health Conference 2024 supported by RGC IIDS grant (UGC/IIDS15/H02/23) was a resounding success!

Video with Conference Photo Highlights - YouTube

Conference highlighted videos 1 (

News article:
仁大碩士課程致力培育心理救兵 各司其職助人自助走出情緒低谷 精神健康心不灰
精神健康支援原地踏步 10措施多翻炒 執行力欠奉

Features of the Programme

The programme is designed to give students sufficient grounding in the core areas of psychology to qualify them:
  1. To apply for student affiliate or graduate membership of the Hong Kong Psychological Society, the American Psychological Association, the British Psychological Society, and other professional associations of comparable standing; 
  2. To gain direct entry into any career potentially open to Psychology graduates in both the private and the public sectors; and 
  3. To apply for postgraduate training in all recognized areas in psychology, and in particular, in one of the four areas of applied professional psychology (i.e. Clinical Psychology, Counselling Psychology, Educational Psychology, and Industrial and Organizational Psychology) in an accredited university. 

The programme sets out to achieve these aims by providing learning opportunities for personal growth, theoretical knowledge, research skills, and competencies necessary for further education at postgraduate level.
Programme Information
Title of Award: Master of Social Sciences in Psychology
Mode of Attendance: Full-time / Part-time
Intake Quota per Annum: 35
Duration of Programme: Full-time: 1 year (3 Trimesters)
Part-time: 2 years (6 Trimesters)
Commencement:  January each year
Programme Director: Dr. LAM, Yin-hung Bess
The total number of credits required for graduation: 36
Total Tuition Fees: $100,800 ($2,800 per credit)

ž   Path A (MSS Psychology -- Mental Health): 9 common core courses (including Research Project) + 3 courses in the stream of Mental Health

ž   Path B (MSS Psychology -- Investigative Psychology): 9 common core courses (including Research Project) + 3 courses in the stream of Investigative Psychology

ž   Path C (MSS Psychology): 9 common core courses (including Research Project) + 3 courses in general stream

Full-time Mode

1st Trimester (Jan-Apr)  
Code Course Credits
PSY 501 Research Methods and Statistics I 3
PSY 503 Lifespan Developmental Psychology 3
PSY 507 Cognitive Psychology 3
-- One Elective Course* 3
2nd Trimester (May - Aug)  
PSY 502 Research Methods and Statistics II 3
PSY 504 Personality and Individual Differences 3
PSY 509 Research Project I 3
-- One Elective Course* 3
3rd Trimester (Sep - Dec)  
PSY 505 Social Psychology 3
PSY 506 Biological Bases of Behaviour 3
PSY 510 Research Project II 3
-- One Elective Course* 3

Part-time Mode

1st Trimester (Jan - Apr)  
Code Course Credits
PSY 501 Research Methods and Statistics I 3
PSY 503 Lifespan Developmental Psychology 3
2nd Trimester (May - Aug)  
PSY 502 Research Methods and Statistics II 3
PSY 504 Personality and Individual Differences 3
3rd Trimester (Sep - Dec)  
PSY 505 Social Psychology 3
PSY 506 Biological Bases of Behaviour 3
4th Trimester (Jan-Apr)  
Code Course Credits
PSY 507 Cognitive Psychology 3
-- One Elective Course 3
5th Trimester (May - Aug)  
PSY 509 Research Project I 3
-- One Elective Course 3
6th Trimester (Sep - Dec)  
PSY 510 Research Project II 3
-- One Elective Course 3
Minimum Number of Credits for Graduation 36

*Please refer to the below section on elective courses

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Path A  Mental Health Stream (Students will choose 3 out of 4 courses )

Code Course Credits
PSY 563 Abnormal Psychology 3
COUN 560 Counselling and Psychotherapy 3
PSY 564 Applied Positive Psychology 3
MPT 510 Introduction to Expressive Art Therapy 3

Path B  Investigative Psychology Stream (Students will choose 3 out of 4 courses)

Code Course Credits
PSY 565 Criminal Behaviors 3
PSY 566 Introduction to Investigative Psychology 3
PSY 567 Psychological Testing and Assessment 3
PSY 563 Abnormal Psychology 3

Path C  General Stream (Students will choose 3 out of 7 courses)

Code Course Credits
PSY 563 Abnormal Psychology 3
PSY 564 Applied Positive Psychology 3
PSY 565 Criminal Behaviors 3
PSY 566 Introduction to Investigative Psychology 3
PSY 567 Psychological Testing and Assessment 3
COUN 560 Counselling and Psychotherapy 3
MPT 510 Introduction to Expressive Art Therapy 3

Candidates must 

i. Bachelor’s degree in non-Psychology major with first- or second-class honours from a Hong Kong university or have obtained an equivalent qualification from an institution recognized for this purpose by the University, AND
ii. attend an interview, AND
iii. pass a take home entrance examination on Introductory Psychology composed primarily of multiple-choice and essay questions.

Language Requirements

Applicants with entrance qualifications from an institution where the medium of instruction is not English should also fulfil the following minimum English proficiency requirement:
(a) Overall score ≥ 6.5 in International English Language Testing System (IELTS) (Academic); or 
(b) Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) score of 600 (Paper-based Test) or 100 (Internet-based Test) or 250 (Computer-based Test); or 
(c) Other equivalent qualifications acceptable to the University.

Take Home Entrance Examination

After the interview process is completed, short-listed applicants will receive a take home examination. The exam coverage is derived from material typically covered in an Introductory Psychology course. Specifically, the following subjects constitute the test's coverage: the Research Enterprise, Biological Psychology, Sensation and Perception, Learning, Human Memory, Intelligence and Emotion, Human Development, Personality, Social Psychology, and Abnormal Psychology. Most introductory psychology textbooks from 2009 to the present will contain extensive coverage of these topics. It is recommended that the applicant use such a textbook to prepare for the entrance examination. Currently, the primary text adopted in PSY100 Introductory Psychology at this university is Sun, C. T. L. (Ed.). (2015). Psychology in Asia: An introduction. Singapore: Cengage. Learning.

Transfers from non SYU-operated Conversion Programmes in Psychology

Candidates with previous qualifications in conversion programmes in psychology for which the exit award is below the master's level or who are currently enrolled in such programmes either locally or overseas may apply for credit transfer into the MSocSc in Psychology. The maximum number of transferred credits must not exceed 55% (or 20 credits) of the total number of credits required for graduation.

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Application Procedures

Information Seminar
Non local online seminar: 3 March 2025; 
Local information seminar: 18 August 2025

Application Procedures
Online Application
Click here to access the online application. Please read the notes carefully before completing the online application form.

Please prepare the following items for application:

  • A Photocopy of HKID Card/Passport
  • An application fee of HK$200 by Credit Card (Visa or Master card) via the online payment system
  • Photocopies of degree certificates
  • A photocopy of each professional qualification obtained as stated on the application form
  • Online authentication from China Higher Education Student Information and Career Center (CHESICC) (if applicable)
  • Official transcripts from post-secondary institutions/universities attended

Notes for official transcripts: (Transcript Request Form (pdf version / doc version)

  • Official transcripts of your undergraduate and postgraduate studies should be directly sent to the Department of Counselling and Psychology in a sealed envelope from the issuing universities. Please send the above Transcript Request Form to your appropriate officer of institution from which the transcript is requested.
  • For top-up degree holders, transcripts of sub-degree programme should also be provided
  • HKSYU graduates are not required to request transcripts from the Registry. However, copies of transcripts should still be submitted.

Application Period (For January 2026 cohort)
Start of all applications: 1 May 2025

Application Deadline
Non-local applicants: 22 August 2025
Local Applicants:
     1st Round Application Deadline: 30 September 2025
     2nd Round Application Deadline: 30 October 2025

* Notes about Deadline for Applications:
We have a quota for admitting students each year and applications are considered in batches. Admissions priorities will be given to applicants who apply in the main round (and subsequently those in the second round). Applications beyond deadline will only be considered on case-by-case basis subject to availability of spaces. You are therefore encouraged to apply as early as possible.

Telephone: 2806 7332

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  1. Postgraduate Research Scholarship:
    The “Postgraduate Research Scholarship” aims to attract students with strong academic backgrounds who have an avid interest in refining their research skills. Each year, a total of 15 scholarships @HKD20,000 will be allocated to this category. Awardees are expected to commit 200 hours to research activities as assigned by the Programme Director during their period of study at HKSYU.
  2. Fellowship for Postgraduate Studies:
    The “Fellowship for Postgraduate Studies” aims to support outstanding final year undergraduate students in HKSYU to pursue postgraduate studies. Those successfully admitted into local full-time postgraduate programmes may be considered for this category. Each year, 10 scholarships @HKD10,000 will be allocated to this category.

For further scholarship and fellowship details, please click HERE 

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Dr. LAM, Yin-hung Bess
Assistant Professor
Programme Director
Ph.D., The University of Hong Kong

Area of Research Interests: 
1. Neuropsychology
2. Neurocriminology 
3. Antisocial behavior
4. Youth mental health 
5. Schizophrenia-spectrum disorders

Dr. Jason CHOW T.S.
Associate Professor
Associate Academic Vice President (Teaching and Learning Development)
Ph.D., The University of Hong Kong

Area of Research Interests: 
1. Self-control 
2. Motivation
3. Resilience

Dr. Bobo LAU H.P.
Associate Professor
MSSPSY Research Co-ordinator
Ph.D., The University of Hong Kong

Area of Research Interests: 
1. Gerontology
2. Community mental health
3. Chronic illnessess
4. Family caregiving

Dr. Patrick CONNOLLY J.
Assistant Professor
Ph.D., University of South Africa

Area of Research Interests:
1. Psychoanalysis
2. Neuropsychoanalysis
3. Psychotherapy and Counselling
4. Systems Theory
5. Psychosis and Schizophrenia
6. Post-traumatic Stress 

Dr. L.Y. LO
Associate Professor
Ph.D., The University of Hong Kong

Area of Research Interests: 
1. Cognitive Components in Emotion Perception
2. Development of Emotion Regulation



Dr. NGAI, Tsz-kin
Assistant Professor
Ph.D., The University of Hong Kong
Area of Research Interests: 
1. Animal Assisted Intervention
2. Human-Animal Interaction
3. One Health
4. Humane Education
5. Child Education
6. Positive Psychology
7. Cyberpsychology
8. Gamification

Dr. LIN M. Muriel
Associate Professor of Practice
Director, MSS in Counselling Psychology Programme

Area of Research Interests:
1. Schema Therapy for Personality Disorders and Trauma Related Issues
2. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy 
3. Cross-Cultural Comparison regarding Treatment Interventions
4. Mental Health Issues in Adults


Dr. LEUNG, Mei Kei Miki
Assistant Professor

Area of Research Interests:
1. Compassion and Mindfulness
2. Consciousness
3. Mental Health and Resilience
4. Children’s Play

5. Strength-Based Intervention
6. Self-Other Distinction and Connection
7. Disorders of Social Cognition including Autism, Depression and Schizophrenia
8. Social, Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience

Dr. WANG, Yi-Zhou Joe
Assistant Professor

Area of Research Interests:
1. Mental Wellbeing of People with Mental Disorders and Their Family Caregiver
2. Psychodynamic Psychotherapy, Sandplay Therapy
3. Information & Communication Technology in Mental Health

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