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Psychological Lab Studio of Arts & Creativity is established for multiple purposes. Our mission is to promote empirical studies of creativity, imagination, and art-based research as well as evidence-based practice through expressive arts and narrative practice. We encourage development of creative instruments, such as cards, storybooks, board games, pictorial psychometrical scales, and other intervention materials. |
Dr. Zhou, Dehui Ruth
Ph.D.University of Duisburg-Essen (Germany)
M.A. Huazhong University of Science and Technology (China)
B.A. Huazhong University of Science and Technology (China
"Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life" --- Picasso
Welcome to Psychological Lab Studio of Art and Creativity!
Our mission is to promote empirical studies of creativity, imagination, art-based research as well as evidence-based practice through expressive arts and narrative practice. We encourage development of creative instruments, such as cards, storybooks, board games, pictorial psychometrical scales, and other intervention materials.
Psychological Lab Studio of Art and Creativity is established for multiple purposes. The lab will involve the following activities and functions of teaching, research, practice, and academic exchange:
Teaching activities. The lab studio provides a space for teaching expressive arts related topics. A room with art materials will facilitate students to make their own artwork and enhance their experiential learning of art expression. The lab can be used for demonstration and facilitation of expressive arts groups or case work. Currently, Dr. Zhou Dehui Ruth is teaching the GEC109 course entitled Arts, Self-Exploration and Spirituality in this lab. This course enables students to appreciate and make art through experiential learning. It covers selected concepts in art psychology, aesthetics, and introduces how people can gain deep understanding of themselves and spirituality through the process of making their own artwork. In experiential workshops, students are facilitated with expressive arts techniques to go through their self-exploration and self-growth process with various art media, such as painting, drawing, dancing, photographing and video making. This lab is also used for the group supervision of capstone projects and research projects.
Research activities: There are three major research clusters in this psychological lab studio: 1) The first focus is to develop evidence-based narrative or expressive arts programmes for various populations in local communities and promote mental health. Our recent and current research projects involve primary family caregivers of people with schizophrenia, youth rehabilitated from drugs, youth with psychosis, children with SEN and artists. 2) The lab can be used to design and conduct cognitive studies of metaphors, art perception, and creativity. 3) We promote art-based researches on stress, suffering, trust, love, hope, resilience and meaning of life. We welcome students who are interested in the abovementioned projects to join us and contribute as volunteer student helpers or participants.
Practice activities: This psychological lab studio of art and creativity aims at establishing a safe creative space for healing and connections. In narrative or expressive arts groups or individual work, people come to share their stories, exchange their life experiences, make arts, and play for therapeutic or self-growth purposes. This creative space encourages people with different background to connect more to themselves and others in music, movement, dancing, visual arts, poetry writing and storytelling. The creative process unfolds a journey of discovering new resources, expressing deep emotions and creating new meanings.
Workshops and activities. Equipped with art materials and music instruments, this room can facilitate expressive arts workshops or workshops in different art modalities provided by experienced expressive arts therapists or professional artists. If Shue Yan staff or students have interests, they can join to make arts and explore enjoy experiential and reflective learning through activities of creativity.
Salon activities. In the long run, the Psychological Lab Studio of Art and Creativity will organize regular Salons, such as poet circle or music circle. The salon will give Shue Yan staff or students who are fond of a certain art modality an opportunity to come together for regular meetings, so that they can make art and share artwork together in a long committed relationship to nurture their imagination and creativity.
Intercultural Education and Reconciliation between Local Students and Mainland Chinese Students in Higher Education Campuses in Hong Kong (RGC Public Policy Research (PPR) Funding Scheme (Special Round). Ref: SR2020.A4.017 (Dr. Zhou Dehui Ruth as Co-I)
An Effectiveness Study of a Narrative Life-design Vocational Counselling Paradigm for High-functioning Youth with Psychosis. FDS Fund (HKD 986,458, Ref. No: UGC/FDS15/M03/19)
Posttreatment Life Planning and Relapse Prevention: An Effectiveness Study of an Integrative Model of Vocational Life Design for Young Rehabilitated Drug Abusers. Beat Drugs Fund (Ref. No: BDF180061)
Evaluation of the Psychosocial and Art Skill Changes of the Artists in a Community Art Project. research part of the project Art Flow in Senses funded by Arts Capacity Development Funding Scheme, Home Affairs Bureau
Peer Review Journal Articles
Zhou, D.H. R., Chiu, Y. L. M., Lo T. L. W., Lo, W. F. A., Wong, S. S., Luk, K. L., Leung, C. H.T., Yu C. K., & Chang, Y.S. G. (2020). An unexpected visitor and a sword play: A randomized controlled trial of collective narrative therapy groups for primary carers of people with schizophrenia. Journal of Mental Health.
Zhou, D.H. R., Chiu, Y. L. M., Lo T. L. W., Lo, W. F. A., Wong, S. S., Luk, K. L., Leung, C. H.T., Yu C. K., & Chang, Y.S. G. (2020). Outside-in or inside-out? A randomized controlled trial of two empowerment approaches for family caregivers of people with schizophrenia. Issues in Mental Health Nursing. SSCI Impact factor: 1.05. doi: 10.1080/01612840.2020.1734992
Zhou, D. H. R., Hung, S. L. & Lo, T. L. T. (2020). Can We Hit Two Birds with One Stone: An Effectiveness Study of Peer-support Groups for Low-income Spousal and Adult Children Caregivers of Hong Kong Older Adults. Journal of Gerontological Social Work. 63 (3), 227-249. doi: 10.1080/01634372.2020.1746722
Zhou, D. H. R., Chiu, Y. L. M., Chui, W. Y. (2017). Development and validation of the marital metaphor questionnaire (MMQ-10) for urban Chinese women. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 43 (1), 65-81. doi: 10.1111/jmft.12181.
Zhou, D. H. & Heineken, E (2009). The use of metaphors in academic communication: traps or treasures. Journal of the European Association of Languages for Specific Purposes (Iberica), 18, 23-42.
Chiu, M. Y. , Zhou, D. H.R. ,Tong A. K.K. , Tonsing, K. N. & Yiu, M. G. C. (2017). Asset-based community mental health: The effectiveness of a support programme by lay mental health ambassadors. Asian Pacific Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy, 8(2), 150-164, DOI: 10.1080/21507686.2017.1349684
Chiu, M. Y. & Zhou, D. H.R. (2013). Single mothers or women in single parenthood (WISP)? A report and reflection on the development of a brief marital metaphor questionnaire (MMQ-10). Asian Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development, 23(3), 198-214. doi:10.1080/02185385.2013.803934
Hung, S. L, & Zhou, D. R. (2017). Peer support program for Chinese low-income mothers: An evaluation study and implications for practice. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 26(9), 2640-2652.
Hsu, S. S., Zhou, D. H. R., Yu, K. C. C. (2016). A Hong Kong validation of working alliance inventory- short form -client. Asian Pacific Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy, 7(1-2), 69-81. doi:10.1080/21507686.2016.1193036
Huber, A. & Zhou, D. H. (2006). Das Unternehmer ist ein Garten, der Lehrer ist eine Kerze. Essener Unikarte. Berichte aus Forschung und Lehre. 28, 66-75.
Ni, Y. J. Zhou, D. H. R. Cai, J. , Li, X.Q. Li, Q., & Sun, I. X. (2018). Improving cognitive and affective learning outcomes of students through mathematics instructional tasks of high-cognitive demand, The Journal of Educational Research. 111(6), pages 704-719
Ni, Y. J., Zhou, D., Li, X., & Li, Q. (2014). Relations of instructional tasks to teacher-student discourse in mathematics classrooms of Chinese primary schools. Cognition and Instruction, 32 (1), 2-43. doi: 10.1080/07370008.2013.857319 2015
Sun, T. L. C. , Zhou, D.H.R., Kwok, S. H. H. , Yu, C. Y. I. , Wong, K. Y. S., & Lo, M. C. S. (2014). A functional approach to an early diagnosis and early intervention program for pre-school children with special educational needs in Hong Kong. Open Journal of Social Science, 1(06), 26-31. doi: 10.426/jss.2013.16006.
Book Chapters
Zhou, D. H. R. & Wong,C.K. (2019). (Exploring psychosis from) The psychological perspective. In D. H. R. Zhou, T.L. W. Lo, Y. L. M. Chiu, & W. F. A. Lo. (Eds). Convoy of recovery: Healing of Psychosis (pp. 207-229). Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong Press. (In Chinese) 周德慧 、 王正琪(2019)。 (思覺失調)心理成因的理論。 周德慧、盧德臨、趙雨龍、盧慧芬(編)。護航復元—思覺失調的療癒(頁45–70)。香港:香港城市大學出版社。
Zhou, D. H. R. & Wong, S. S. (2019). Stories of family caregivers: Theatre of life. In D. H. R. Zhou, T.L. W. Lo, Y. L. M. Chiu, & W. F. A. Lo. (Eds). Convoy of recovery: Healing of Psychosis (pp. 207-229). Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong Press. (In Chinese) 周德慧 、 黃兆星(2019)。 〈家屬的故事:精分劇場〉。 周德慧、盧德臨、趙雨龍、盧慧芬(編)。護航復元—思覺失調的療癒(頁207–229)。香港:香港城市大學出版社。
Zhou, D. H. R. (2018).Narrative Practice of Forest of Life. In Hung, S. L., Mak, L.N., Zhou, D. H. , Tse, S. F., Chan, K.K., Tse, S. F., Zung, W. M. (Eds.). (2018). Journeys and Maps of Narrative Practice: When we draw the maps of narrative practice. Hong Kong: Global Publication Company. (In Chinese) 洪雪蓮、麥麗娥、周德慧、謝傑雄、陳健權、施少鳳、鐘威文、郭艷梅 (編著)。(2018)。敘事實踐旅圖:當我們繪出敘事之圖,(61-98頁)。香港:博學出版社。
Zhou, D. H. R. (2017). Narrative practice at home. In O. A. Tsun, S.F.Tsz, et al. (Ed.). Journeys and Maps of Narrative Practice: When we take the journey of narrative practice. Hong Kong: Global Publication Company. (In Chinese) 周德慧(2017)。家用敘事實踐。秦安琪、施少鳳、鄧紫筠、周德慧、郭艷梅(編著)。(2017)。敘事實踐旅圖:當我們走上敘事實踐之旅,(120-160頁)。香港:博學出版社
Zhou, D. H. (2012). Conceptualization and metaphor: From the metaphor perspective to explore the marital conceptualization of young college students. In Youth Research and Practice Centre of Hong Kong Baptist University (Ed.) Youth as they are: New imagination of social work (pp. 102-140). Hong Kong: Red Publish. (In Chinese) 周德慧 (2012) 。婚姻觀與隱喻:從隱喻角度看青年大學生的婚姻觀。 香港浸會大學青年研究實踐中心(著) 青年如斯:社會工作新想像 (102-140頁)。香港:紅出版。
Zhou, D. H.& Heineken, E. (2007). Encounter foreign metaphors: a cross-cultural online study. In C.M. Schmidt & D. Neuendorff (eds.) Sprache, Kulture und Zielgruppen. Bedingungsgrosen fur die Kommunikationsgestaltung in der Wirtschaft (pp. 217-241). Wiesbaden: Deutscher Universitats-Verlag.
Chan, H. N. & Zhou, D. H. R. (2016). The behavioral related conditioned sound in cross modal Stroop task. In Leung M. & Lee, M. T. (Eds.), Applied psychology readings. Singapore Conference on Applied Psychology: Selected papers from Singapore Conference on Applied Psychology, 2016 (pp.21-38). Singapore: Springer.10.1007/978-981-10-2796-3
Ni, Y., Li, X., Zhou, D. & Li, Q. (2014).Changes in instructional tasks and their influence on classroom discourse in reformed mathematics classrooms of Chinese primary schools. In Y. Li, E.A. Silver, & Li, S. (Eds). Transforming mathematics instruction: Multiple approaches and practices,(pp. 217-230), Heidelberg, Germany: Springer.
Zhou, D.H. R. &Chiu, Y. L. (2020). Manual of integrative Peer support groups (1-8). Hong Kong: Hong Kong Shue Yan University. 周德慧&趙雨龍。(2020) 。綜合朋輩支援成長小組手冊 (1-8冊) 。香港:香港樹仁大學。ISBN: 978-988-14683-0-7
Zhou, D. H. R. Lo, T. L. W., Chiu, Y. L. M. & Lo, W. F. A. (2019). Convoy of recovery: Healing of Psychosis. Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong Press. 周德慧、盧德臨、趙雨龍、盧慧芬(編)。護航復元—思覺失調的療癒(頁207–229)。香港:香港城市大學出版社。
Hung, S. L. & Zhou, D. H. (2013). The Salvation Army social services department: An evaluation study on the effectiveness of the peer support programs for parent-in-need and carers of senior citizens. Hong Kong: The Salvation Army.
Hung, S. L., Mak, L.N., Zhou, D. H. , Tse, S. F., Chan, K.K., Tse, S. F., Zung, W. M. (Eds.). (2018). Maps of Narrative Practice. Hong Kong: Global Publication Company. (In Chinese) 洪雪蓮、麥麗娥、周德慧、謝傑雄、陳健權、施少鳳、鐘威文、郭艷梅 (編著)。(2018)。敘事實踐旅圖:當我們繪出敘事之圖。香港:博學出版社。
Tsun, O.A., Tse, S.F., Deng, Z. Y., Zhou, D. H. & Kwok, P. (Eds). (2017). Journey of narrative practice. Hong Kong: Global Publication Company. (In Chinese) 秦安琪、施少鳳、邓紫筠、周德慧、郭艷梅(編著)。(2017)。敘事實踐旅圖:當我們走上敘事實踐之旅。香港:博學出版社。
Conference Papers and Presentations:
Zhou, D. H. R. (2019, December). Empowering Primary Family Caregivers of People with Schizophrenia in Hong Kong. The Mental Health Association of Hong Kong. 65th Anniversary Symposium on Mental Health, Dec. 10th-11th.2019. Hong Kong: Charles K. Kao Auditorium, Hong Kong Science Park, Shatin, HKSAR
Zhou, D. H. R., Chiu Y. L. M., Lo, T. L. W. & Lo W. F. A. (2019, May) Empowering Caregivers of People with Schizophrenia: Comparing the Intervention Effectiveness of the Family Link Education Programme (FLEP), the Collective Narrative Practice Group (CNPG) and the Integrative Peer Support Growth Group (IPSGG). Poster presentation at the HKSYU IDS International Conference 2019. Bridging the Gap: Translating Interdisciplinary research into evidence-based research. 3rd-4th May 2019, Hong Kong: Hong Kong Shue Yan University.
Zhou, D. H.R., Cheung, Y. Y.& Tsui, C. S. P. (2019, May) Evidence informed parenting practice. Panel session at the HKSYU IDS International Conference 2019. Bridging the Gap: Translating Interdisciplinary research into evidence-based research. 3rd-4th May 2019, Hong Kong: Hong Kong Shue Yan University.
Zhou, D. H. R. (2018, June). Narrative practice in supporting young women with experiences of early sexual abuse. Presented at the 16th International Symposium of the World Society of Victimology 2018. Victims and Victimization: Moving Towards an International Victimology. 10-14th June 2018, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Zhou, D. H. R. , Chiu, Y. L. M. , Lo, T. L., W., Lo, W. F.A., Wong, S. S. (2018, April). Metaphorical Conceptualization of Schizophrenia and the caregiving process from the perspective of primary family caregivers. Presented in the6th Schizophrenia International Research Society Conference. Integrated Prevention and Treatment: Shifting the Way We think. 4th-8th April, 2018, Firenze Fiera Congress Center, Florence, Italy.
Zhou, D.H. R. (2017, December). Collective experiential learning in carer groups of people suffering from schizophrenia. Presented at the 5th Asia Pacific Rim International Counsellors & Psychotherapists Conference, 1st-3rd December, 2017. Singapore: Singapore Maxtria.
Zhou, D. H. R., Chiu Y. L. M., Lo, T. L. W. , Lo W. F. A. , Luk K. L. , To, K. M., Tam, M. K. , Leung T. C. H., Yu C. K. , & Chang , G. Y.S. (2017, September). Psychoeducation and narrative practice in supporting primary caregivers of schizophrenia outpatients in Hong Kong. Presented at Fourth European Conference on Integrated Care and Assertive Outreach, 13th-15th, September, 2017. Hamburg: Hamburg University.
Zhou, D. H. R. (2017, June). Experiential and Reflective Learning in the course design of Art, Self-exploration and Spirituality. General Education Conference 2017, 15th-16th, June.2017. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
Zhou, D. H. R. , Chiu, Y. L.M., Lo, T. L. W., Lo, W.F. A., Luk, K. L. , To. K. M. , Leung, C. T., Yu, C. K., Chang, Y. S. ,G. (2017, June). Cultural components of eight-session collective narrative practice to support family caregivers of people suffering schizophrenia in Hong Kong. Presented at 2017 Narrative Practice Conference: Honouring History, Weaving Hopes, 8th-9th. June, 2017. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Baptist University.
Zhou, D. H. R. (2016, July). A case study of metaphor comprehension of a high-functioning child with autistic spectrum disorder. Presented at Hong Kong ASD Conference 2016: Supporting Learning and Development, 8th. July.2016. Hong Kong University, Hong Kong.
Zhou, D. H. R., Sun, T. L. C., Kwok, S. H. H. , Yu, C. Y. I. , Wong, K. Y. S., & Lo, M. C. S (2015, November). A longitudinal program evaluation research of an early diagnosis and early intervention programme for Hong Kong Pre-school children with potential special educational needs. Presented at the 4th Asian Pacific Rim International Counselling Conference. Tradition and Technology: Culture, Neuropsychology, Counselling and Psychotherapy. 6th,-8th, November.2016., Wuhan University, Wuhan, China.
Zhou, D.H. R. & So, K.T.M. (2015, January). The influence of Christian religiousness on emotion regulation of Hong Kong young adults. Paper presented at Psychology of Christian Faith 2015, January, Hong Kong, Hong Kong University.
Zhou, D.R. , Li, J. & Lo, L. (2014, April). How social work students conceptualize the profession of a social worker? Paper presented at the Global Social Sciences Conference 2014, Hong Kong (pp. 37-38). 10th -12th. April, 2014, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong.
Zhou, D. H. (2013, August). On visual metaphors in narrative practice with Hong Kong Teenage mothers. Paper presented at the 3rd Asia Pacific Rim International Counseling & Psychotherapy Conference 2013, Kuching, Malaysia.
Zhou, D. H. (2013, August). Narrative re-membering conversations in bereavement counselling, Poster presented at the 10th Hong Kong Palliative Care Symposium, Hong Kong, Hong Kong University.
周德慧(2013, June)。正向心理學與敘事治療中的另類故事。第五屆兩岸四地高校心理輔導與諮詢高峰論壇, 42, 香港: 編者。
Zhou, D. H. & Heineken, E. (2008, September). Dynamics in metaphor comprehension. 9. Fachtagung der Gesellschaft fur Kognitionswissenschaft (KogWis 2008), 28th. September-1st.October, 2008, Technische Universitat Dresden.
Zhou, D. H. & Heineken, E. (2008, May). A dynamic view of metaphor comprehension- Inspired from two cross-cultural web-based empirical studies on metaphor comprehension, Researching and Applying Metaphor Conference 2008, 29th.-31st.May. 2008, Caceres, Spain.
Zhou, D. H. & Heineken, E. (2006, Nov). Encounter foreign metaphors: a cross-cultural metaphor –oriented web-based scenario. Vortrag auf European Cultures in Business and Corporate Communication, 2006, 15th.-17th.November.2006, Turku, Finnland.
Zhou, D. H., Huber, A., Heineken, E., Schulte, F.P. & Ollesch, H. (2006, March). Knowledge representation and metaphor cognition: a cross-cultural web based experiment. Vortrag auf der General Online Research Conference 2006 (GOR 2006), 21st – 22nd.March.2006, Bielefeld, Germany.
Zhou, D.H., Huber, A., Heineken, E., Schulte, F.P. & Ollesch, H.(2006, April). A Cross-cultural web-based experiment on metaphoric cognition, knowledge representation and action. Researching and Applying Metaphor Conference 2006 (RaAM2006), 10th.-12th.April.2006, Leeds, UK.
Chan, K. Y. J. & Zhou, D. H. R. (2017, June). Gender identity and racial identity on moral reasoning. Singapore Conference on Applied Psychology 2017. 29th-30th.June.2017, Singapore.
Chan, H. N. & Zhou, D. H. R. (2016, June). The behavioral related conditioned sound in cross modal Stroop task. Presented at Singapore Conference on Applied Psychology (SCAP 2016), 14th.-15th.June, 2016. Singapore.
Chik, S. W. & Zhou, D. H. R. (2017, June). Rejection and family harmony in Chinese culture. Singapore Conference on Applied Psychology 2017. 29th-30th. June.2017, Singapore.
Chiu, M. Y. L., & Zhou, R. D. H. (2016, November). The development and use of marital metaphor for Chinese women- a respective and prospective note. Massey Social Work Conference. Social Work in Changing Times: Towards Better Outcomes. 17th-19th November.2016. Massey University, New Zealand.
Chiu, M. Y.L., Leung, T., Lo, A., W. F.& Zhou, D. H.R (2018, January). Between structured design and personal narratives: The report of an RCT study of a hybrid design group programme for family caregivers. International Conference on Recover-oriented Services and Policy Planning in Mental Health. Successful Stories, Sustainabilities and Challenges. 11th-12th, January 2018. Hong Kong University. Hong Kong.
Kun, S. Y. & Zhou, D. H. R. (2016, June). Effects of Temporal Orienting and Gender on Time Perception. Poster presented at The Global Conference on Education and Psychology (GCEP), 8th-10th, June,2016. Regal Airport Hotel, Hong Kong University, Hong Kong.
Kwok, H. L. & Zhou, D.H. (2016, July). Perception of Stroop stimuli in the view of Global and local precedence effect. ICP 2016 31st International Congress of Psychology, 24th-29th July, 2016. Yokohama, Japan.
Lam, H. Y. & Zhou, D.H. (2015, June). Filial Piety and Parental Psychological Control Influence Family Harmony as Perceived by Hong Kong Young Adults. Hong Kong Psychological Society Annual Conference 2015 with the theme Cultivating Talent in the Asian Context. 13th.June.2015, Hong Kong.
Lam, Y. H. & Zhou, D. H. R. (2017, June). Autonomy and self-talk on problem-solving. Singapore Conference on Applied Psychology 2017. 29th-30th. June,2017, Singapore.
Lam, S. M. & Zhou, D. H. (2016, July). Friends or lovers: How romantic relationship affect the quality of cross-sex relationship. Poster presented at International Association for Cross-cultural Psychology (IACCP) 23rd International Congress. 20th July-3rd August, 2016, Nagoya, Japan.
Lam, W. Y. & Zhou, D.H. (2016, July). The Strength of source in predicative metaphor comprehension. ICP 2016 31st International Congress of Psychology, 24th-29th July , 2016. Yokohama, Japan
Leung, C. & Zhou, De. H. R. (2018, June). Pace, Emotion, and Language Tonality on Speech-to-song Illusion.Singapore Conference on Applied Psychology 2018. 21st-22nd.June, 2017, Holiday Inn Singapore Atrium, Singapore.
Li, W. L. & Zhou, D. H. R. (2016, June). How does Hong Kong young adults’ neuroticism influence the effectiveness of Keyword method and Pegword–keyword method on learning German concrete vocabulary? Presented at HKPS 2016 Annual Conference – Psychology and Social Issues, 18th.June.2016, Hong Kong.
Lo, T. L. W. , Lo, W. F. A., Luk, K.L., Chang, G. Y. S., Leung, T. C. H., Yu, C. K., Zhou, D. H. R. , Chiu, Y. L., M. & Wong, S. S. (2018, May) Supporting Family Carers of schizophrenia outpatients: A comparative study of three group intervention programmes at East Kowloon Psychiatric Center. presented at Hospital Convention 2018, May7th-8th, 2018. Hong Kong.
Mak, L. L. & Zhou, D. R. (2014, August). Hong Kong young adults' attitude on romantic relationship: Exploring the influence from parents' marital relations and parent-child interaction. The International Conference on Education, Psychology, and Social Sciences. 6th.-8th August.16. Taipei, Taiwan.
Ni, Y. J., Zhou, D. H., Li, X. Q., & Li, Q. (2010, August). Student mathematics learning outcomes in relation to curricular and instructional correlates. Paper presented at European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction-SIG18: Educational Effectiveness, 25th-27th August.2010, Leuven, Belgium.
Ni, Y. J., Zhou, D. H., & Li, Q., & Li, X. (2011, June). Relations of instructional tasks to student learning outcomes in China's reformed elementary mathematics classrooms. Paper presented at the 41st annual conference of the Jean Piaget Society in association with the Institute of Human Development at University of California at Berkeley. 2nd-4th June .2011, Berkeley, USA.
Pang, C. K. & Zhou, D. H. (2014, August). What factors could affect the moral responsibility? The International Conference on Education, Psychology, and Social Sciences. August 6-8. Taipei, Taiwan.
Sun, T. C., Zhou, D. R., Kwok, S. H., Yu, C. I. , Wong, K. S, & Lo, M. S. (2013, November). A functional approach to an early diagnosis and early intervention program for pre-school children with special needs in Hong Kong. Paper presented at 2013 Psychology and Health Conference (PHC 2013), 29th. November-1st.December 2013. Sanya, China.
Tang, N. T. & Zhou, D. H. R. (2017, November-December). A Death Psycho-education Programme for Primary School Children. Paper presented at World Education Research Association (WERA) Focal Meeting & The Hong Kong Educational Research Association (HKERA) International Conference, 2017: Innovation, Reform, Education Change in a Contemporary World, 30th November.-2nd December,2017, Hong Kong: The Education University of Hong Kong.
Tse, M. K. & Zhou, D. H. (2016, July). Chinese parenting style and the resilience of their young children. International Association for Cross-cultural Psychology (IACCP) 23rd International Congress. 30th July-3 August, 2016, Nagoya, Japan.
Tse, T. H. & Zhou, D. H. R. (2017, November-December). Mathematics anxiety vs Mathematics self-efficacy: An introduction to an effective self-designed mathematics board game. Paper presented at World Education Research Association (WERA) Focal Meeting & The Hong Kong Educational Research Association (HKERA) International Conference, 2017: Innovation, Reform, Education Change in a Contemporary World, 30th November.-2nd Dec.2017, Hong Kong: The Education University of Hong Kong.
Wong, C. K. & Zhou, D. H. R. (2017, November-December). Parent-child Emotion Psychoeducation Workshop with a set of Creative Board Game. Paper presented at World Education Research Association (WERA) Focal Meeting & The Hong Kong Educational Research Association (HKERA) International Conference, 2017: Innovation, Reform, Education Change in a Contemporary World, 30th November.-2nd December.2017, Hong Kong: The Education University of Hong Kong.
Wong, W. Y. & Zhou, D. H. (2016, July). The inter-relationship between perceived Chinese Parenting style, Chinese personality and emotional Expressivity in Hong Kong. International Association for Cross-cultural Psychology (IACCP) 23rd International Congress. 20th July-3rd August, 2016, Nagoya, Japan