此交流的領隊老師周德慧博士及張艷博士,帶領七位就讀輔導及心理學系不同課程的同學(PhD, MSSCP, MSPsy, MSSPT, BSSCP)一齊參與。

Advances in Play Therapy Research: An Inter-cultural Dialogue (conference in HKSYU over 25-28 July 2024)
Advances in Play Therapy Research: An Inter-cultural Dialogue - Call for papers and joining conference
We would like to warmly welcome you to our conference entitled Advances in Play Therapy Research: An Inter-cultural Dialogue, planned over 25-28 July 2024!

Brain and Mental Health Conference 2024
As we navigate through the post-pandemic landscape, it has become increasingly evident that mental health and brain function are paramount to our overall well-being and success. That's why I am thrilled to invite you to an extraordinary conference, "Brain and Mental Health Conference: Neuropsychological Underpinnings of Mental Health Across Lifespan: From the Young to the Old in the Time of Covid-19 Pandemic" which promises to be a game-changer in this important field. This conference is supported by the Hong Kong Government Fund [Inter-institutional Development Scheme Grant Competitive Research Funding for the local self-financing degree sector UGC (2023), (UGC/IIDS15/H02/23)].
Date: 15-16 June 2024
Location: RLB502, Hong Kong Shue Yan University, Research Complex Lower Block, 6 Wai Tsui Crescent, Braemar Hill Road, North Point, Hong Kong, China]
Main organiser: Hong Kong Shue Yan University
Co-organiser: Brain Imaging Centre- Duke University, Affiliated Brain Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Tung Wah College, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Invitation to Book Launch: "Psychology in Asia: An Introduction"
We are thrilled to announce the upcoming launch of the book "Psychology in Asia: An Introduction," edited by Prof Catherine SUN and Dr Jason CHOW. We cordially invite you to join us in celebrating this book launch.
Date: 24 May 2024
Time: 3 – 5 pm
Venue: HKSYU Library Complex 5/F
This book delves into the intricate dynamics of psychology within the rich cultural tapestry of Asia. It offers a comprehensive exploration of the region's diverse perspectives, practices, and contributions to the field of psychology.
Your presence at the launch would provide an invaluable opportunity for scholarly exchange and networking. We encourage you to share this invitation with your students, collaborators, and anyone who may benefit from engaging with this work.
Please register here to confirm your attendance. Light refreshment will be provided. Feel free to reach out to Dr. Jason Chow (tschow@hksyu.edu) if you have any questions or require further information.
We look forward to welcoming you to this momentous event and celebrating the launch of "Psychology in Asia: An Introduction" together!

Master of Social Sciences in Psychology 2023-2024 Information Seminar
Master of Social Sciences in Psychology 2023-2024 Information Seminar
If you are interested in pursuing a Master in Psychology, please fill in the following form and join our Information Seminar.
Date: 13 October 2023 (Friday)
Time: 7:00p.m.
Venue: Lecture Hall 303, 3/F, Lower Block, Research Complex, Hong Kong Shue Yan University
The information seminar will be conducted in dual mode (online live stream and On Campus mode)

Enhancing Resiliency in Children and Practitioners: Play Therapy Practice, Education and Research
Enhancing Resiliency in Children and Practitioners: Play Therapy Practice, Education and Research
Venue: Research Complex, Hong Kong Shue Yan University, Hong Kong
Conference Dates: 1 September 2023 – 2 September 2023
Pre-Conference Workshop: 31 August 2023
Post-Conference Workshop: 3 September 2023
More details about the conference and registration can be found at: https://playconference.hksyu.edu/

The Guide to Prepare Your Proposal for Research Programme Application Writing Workshop
For MPhil/PhD Admissions 2023-24, we are provide the guide to prepare your proposal for research programme application writing workshop.
Date: 15 Feb 2023 (Wed)
Time: 15:30 - 17:30
Venue: RHB 301
For the registration link of the workshop, please place this link: https://forms.gle/yekAyxqdCQQSmEdd9

Practice-Based Evidence Lab - Think Thick Series Seminar
Think Thick Digitally : A Practice-Based Evidence Paradigm for Advancing Counselling Psychology Research and Training
Date: 10 November 2022 (Thursday)
Time: 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
Venue: RHB101, Research Complex
Registration Link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe1EamTdRRjyD88-JVZVDxpuyARw-wqihkglwADmn_fAlqrdw/viewform

Postgraduate Programmes in Counselling and Psychology - Professional Talk & Information Session
The Department of Counselling and Psychology of Hong Kong Shue Yan University (HKSYU) cordially invites you to join ‘Healing through Expressive Interventions in Asian Context’ cum postgraduate programme in Counselling and Psychology. Seminar to be held on 27 October 2022 (Thursday)

研究結果彙報:樹仁大學 "年青人自我認同型態" 研究團隊
或者到時候登入以下Zoom 網址,即可以加入是次講座。
Zoom Link: https://www.hksyu.edu/youth
ID: 916 4011 4396
Passcode: 545664

心導熱線: 2717 8637
2022年7月13-21日 10:00 a.m - 10:00 p.m.
2022年8月3-11日 10:00 a.m - 10:00 p.m.
**於19/7-20/7及9/8-10/8 通宵服務**

MSocSc in Play Therapy Admission is now open!
Master of Social Sciences in Play Therapy
(Two-Year Full Time or Three Part Time)
2022/23 Admission
Admission schedule
1st round of application:
Deadline for Application: 8th May, 2022
Interview Day: 27th & 28th May 2022
Release of Results: 15th June 2022
2nd round of application (depends on the availability of places):
Deadline for Application: 20th June, 2022
Interview Day: 25th June, 2022
Release of Results: 11th July, 2022
Please kindly visit our website if you would like to know more about the Master of Social Sciences in Play Therapy.
For any inquiry, please contact us via email to mplaytherapy@hksyu.edu;
Tel: 28065197

MSocSc in Counselling Psychology Information Seminar 2022
The Master of Social Sciences in Counselling Psychology
(Two-Year Full Time or Three/Four-Year Part Time)
2022/23 Admission
Information Seminar
Date: 21 January 2022 (Friday)
Time: 7:00pm
Mode: Zoom
Please find the link, meeting ID and passcode as below.
Meeting ID: 942 7843 2085
Passcode: MSSCP2022

樹仁五十周年校慶學術活動 - 精神分析在中國百年回顧
1921年朱光潛撰寫《福魯德的隱意識說與心理分析》一文,是中國首篇比較詳盡介紹精神分析的著作。今年適逢此篇文章發表的一百週年,樹仁大學輔導及心理學系、以及樹仁大學正向技術及虛擬實境實驗室在二零二一年六月二十六日(星期六)合辦「精神分析在中國百年」講座系列,歡迎樹仁大學師生及公眾參與。只需到時候登入以下zoom 網址,即可以加入是次講座。
加入 Zoom 會議
會議 ID:928 7932 0256
二零二一年六月二十六日 (星期六)
講者:張歷君教授 (中文大學語言及文學系)
主持:符瑋博士 (樹仁大學輔導及心理學系)
嘉賓:楊俊賢先生 (香港年青哲學家、好青年荼毒室創辦人、港台節目哲學有偈傾主持)
主持:符瑋博士 (樹仁大學輔導及心理學系)
嘉賓:韓麗珠女士 (香港著名作家、2018年藝術發展局年度藝術家(文學藝術)、2020年台北國際書展大獎非小說類首獎)
Janet Boyce 女士 (心理治療師, 曾於樹仁大學輔導及心理學系任教)
第四節:三十年代的拉康 (lacan and the avant grade) 及Minotaure 雜誌
主持:符瑋博士 (樹仁大學輔導及心理學系)

Date of Information Seminar : 5 February 2021 at 7:00pm by Zoom live stream
Please click here for registration!
Deadline for Application : 10 April 2021 (Late applications will be accepted subject to availability of space)

Master of Social Sciences in Counselling Psychology information Seminar
The information seminar will be held at 19:00 (HKT) on 22 January 2021 (Friday) via online stream by Zoom. Please click HERE for registration

Info Seminars for Research Postgraduate Programmes 2021-22
Session 1
Social Sciences and Commerce
Date: 22.01.2021 (Fri)
Time: 15:00-17:00
Venue: RLG302 & Live at Zoom
Session 2
Arts and Humanities
Date: 29.01.2021 (Fri)
Time: 15:00-17:00
Venue: RLG302 & Live at Zoom

The 45th and 46th Graduation Ceremony Live Stream
Live Streamed on 30 December 2020

仁大資訊日2020 - 輔導及心理學系「你問我答」
輔導及心理學系助理教授周德生博士, 以及畢業生關芝亘小姐 (現職老師)為你解答入讀輔心系的問題,並和你分享課程有趣事。
了解更多仁大資訊,請住仁大網站 https://hksyu.edu
查詢課程資訊,請往仁大招生處網站 https://uao.hksyu.edu
仁大招生處FB: https://www.facebook.com/uao.hksyu
仁大招生處IG: https://www.instagram.com/uao.hksyu

Date: 14 Nov 2020 (Sat)
Time: 11:00-15:00

IIDS Online Lecture [Register NOW!]
Professor Amael Arguel from the Department of Cognitive Psychology and Ergonomics in the University of Toulouse will give us an online lecture on "The impact of epistemic emotions in digital learning environments" on 9th Nov (5 - 6:30 pm). In this online lecture he will discuss the features of digital learning environments that may stimulate epistemic emotions such as confusion and frustration, which in turn, influence the efficiency of online learning.

ZOOM Lecture about Affective Computing [Register Now!]
Prof Sidney D’Mello from the Institute of Cognitive Science of the University of Colorado Boulder will give an online ZOOM lecture about affective computing for us on 3rd Nov 2020 (10:30am - 12 pm).
Prof. D’Mello is a leading scholar in affective and attentional computing, multimodal interaction, and intelligent learning environment. His research integrates computer science and affective science to study the causes and consequences of different affective and cognitive states (e.g., confusion, boredom, mind wandering) in the learning environment. In this online lecture, he will discuss studies that utilize signal processing and machine learning techniques for understanding learning emotions in the digital learning environment.

Master of Social Sciences in Psychology Information Seminar
The information seminar and mock lecture of the Maser of Social Science in Psychology has been conducted on 18th Sept 2020
In the seminar, Dr. Jason Chow, the program director has introduced the program structure, application requirements and procedures. Our current and former students have shared their learning experience in the program. Dr. Bobo Lau also gave a mock lecture on "Finding the silver-lining in the unprecedented storm: Local experience of self-compassion and growth in Covid-19

Information Seminar for PsyD Programme
8 May 2020
7:30pm at RLB3030
On-Campus and Live Stream
A mini lecture by Dr. Lan-Sze Pang, Programme Director, on How the COVID-19 Pandemic will Bring Revolutionary Change in the Culture of Psychotherapy Practice and Training