Department of Counselling and Psychology Course Outline
Course Title Alternate Approaches to Counselling and Psychotherapy
Course Code COUN410
Number of Credits 3
Duration of Weeks 15
Contact Hours Per Week 2 hours Lecture; 1 hour Tutorial
Pre-requisite Course(s) N/A
Course Aims
Having been firmly grounded in psychology and exposed to the theories, techniques and skills in counselling, students are ready to have their horizons broadened by being introduced to the alternate and sometimes unconventional approaches to counselling and psychotherapy. These approaches may be used either as complements to a predominantly verbal orientation or as the primary therapeutic methods in dealing with clients of all ages in a variety of settings such as schools, hospitals, social service agencies and mental health centres.
Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOS)

Upon completion of this course student should be able to:

1. Describe the development of contemporary creative and alternate approaches to
    counselling and psychotherapy;
2. Identify specific expressive alternative approaches in counselling and psychotherapy;
3. Apply counselling skills through participating a set of facilitating activities which are
    designed based on the scientific psychological knowledge of different approaches;
4. Assess the applicability of these approaches to different clients in a variety of settings,
    particularly Chinese and other Asian clients;
5. Practice counselling in a self-reflective way through application of alternative
    approaches such as action methods, artistic means.
Assessment Tasks
Class Participation
Personal Learning Portfolio
Personal Self-Reflection Paper
4. Literature review on identified topic 25%
For Reference Only
© 2023 Department of Counselling & Psychology, Hong Kong Shue Yan University