The Play Therapy Research and Practice Lab is a well- equipped multi- purpose laboratory for the use of our students, staff, research collaborators and play therapy service users. Located at RLG306 room A and B, two separate rooms are professionally designed and equipped for play therapy practice, family consultations, observations, training, and research practice. We encourage the development of play therapy practice and related research. We strive to train professional play therapists who will serve children and their families in Hong Kong Community.

  Director- Dr. CHUNG, Man-chi Sandrine

     Assistant Professor 
     Evidence Base Project
     Coordinator, MSS in Play Therapy Programme

Dr. Chung is trained in educational and developmental psychology. She is currently teaching educational and developmental psychology related undergraduate courses and MPT508 Research Method in Play Therapy Studies.

She is also a supervisor for research projects, capstone projects and evidence- based projects of both undergraduate and postgraduate courses. Her research interests include play, play therapy, play and learning, interventions and emotional support for children with SEN and their family.


  Member- Dr. Zhou, Dehui Ruth

    Associate Professor (part- time)

  Member- Dr. CONNOLLY, J. Patrick

     Assistant Professor 
     Practicum Coordinator, MssPT

  Member- Dr.CHEUNG Yim,Yen

   Assistant Professor 
   Program Director, MssPT

Our Mission:

1.      Offer education and advice about play therapy skills and how play therapy can support the mental health and well-being of children across Hong Kong.
2.      Provide a quality play therapy venue designed for the training of professional play therapists
3.      Support undergraduate and postgraduate students’ learning of play therapy by developing and disseminating play therapy training materials and videos.
4.      Provide a resourceful and professional play therapy setting for students and faculty members to engage in research activities concerning play therapy and play-based approaches.
5.      Promote intra- and inter-disciplinary dialogue and research collaboration.
6.      Empower child participants and their families to positively engage, perform, and participant in life and understand their mental health needs.
7.      Inform relevant academic programs, professional bodies, the community and the policy makers about the importance of play therapy.
"Toys and materials should be selected, not collected." (Landreth, 2012, p. 156)
The toys and materials in our playroom are selected by registered play therapists. The toys and materials bear a special therapeutic role in helping our children, and also provide a professional setting for the training of play therapists.
Categories of toys selected to serve different criteria:
        Real- life and nurturing toys
        Acting out, aggressive, scary toys
        Creative expression and emotional release toys
Toys and materials for play therapy:
Real- life and nurturing toys
Acting out, aggressive,
scary toys


Creative expression and emotional release toys


Wooden doll house (in an apartment form to align with the cultural specificity in Hong Kong)

Medical kits



Doll furniture and clothes

Toy noise making guns

Paint and color chalks

Sand toys

Doll stroller and accessories (pacifiers, nursing bottles, diapers, etc.)

Costumes (occupations and fairies/ princess/ clowns)

Clay and playdough

Sand tray


Rubber sword

Sensory tray

Miniatures with different themes

Stuffed pet dog

Play money



Pet dog stroller

Jewelries and purse

Popsicle sticks

Bowling set

Wooden kitchen and kitchen ware

Spider and superhero hand puppets


Sponge balls

Plastic food

Rubber snakes and reptiles

Artificial snow

Basketball set

Washing machine




Dyson vacuum cleaner

Bop bag (Bobo)




Dart guns

Maraca shakers




Pipe cleaners




Colored paper




Disposable aprons








Puppets and puppet show stand


January 2023 to August 2024

Multi- perspectives in enhancing effective communication between SEN children and their parents: physical affection, play intervention and expressive arts intervention 2022-23 Funding Scheme for Children's Well- being and Development, Commission on Children, HKD528,300

September 2023 to December 2023
A study on the relationship between play styles and cognitive, affective and resilience development in mainstream children
Research internship scheme, 2023
PI: Dr. LEUNG Mei Kei Miki
Co-I: Dr. CHUNG Man Chi Sandrine
The Lab is the organizing and supporting unit of several events.
18/5/2024     兒童事務委員會關懷獻愛心閉幕典禮暨特殊教育需要家庭Fun Fun Day
15/6/2024     Interdisciplinary Symposium in effective communication of SEN families
25-28/7/2024      Advances in Play Therapy Research: An Inter- Cultural Dialogue

  • Only students and staff at the HKSYU are eligible to book the play room at RLG306.
  • The play room is available for booking during office hours (Mon to Fri, 9am- 5pm). The first session available is 9am and the last session available is 5pm. Students need to leave latest by 5:45pm.
  • Only the play room is available for booking. The consultation room with observation system is not opened to students. Please prepare your own equipment for audio or video recording.
  • Please kindly reserve the playroom at least 3 days in advance by sending an email to Mr. Carlton Yim ( Your booking is effective upon his reply to your email. 
  • Please send the consent form signed by the parent/ guardian of your participant/ client to Mr. Carlton Yim at least one day before the day you need to use the room. If we do not receive the consent form, we will cancel the booking.
  • After using the play room, please tidy up the toys and sweep the floor. Do not keep any rubbish in the room. Please also use the disinfectant spray to spray the toys before you leave. If it is found out that the play room is not tidied up after use, we reserve the right to refuse your future application to use the play room.