Department of Counselling Psychology Course outline
Programme Master of Social Sciences in Psychology
Course Title Abnormal Psychology
Course Code PSY563
Number of Credits 3
Duration of Weeks 13
Contact Hours Per Week Lecture 2 hour ; Tutorial 1 hours
Pre-requisite Course(s) N/A
Course Aims
This course aims to provide students with a background understanding of abnormal psychology through introducing the specific signs and symptoms associated with various psychopathological states. More specifically, a range of contemporary thinking and research as well as different traditional models concerning the diagnosis, aetiology, treatment, and prevention of psychopathology will be introduced.

Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOS)

After completing this course, students will be able to:

1.  identify the essential features, symptoms, as well as the prognosis, and potential treatment associated with various psychopathological disorders;
2.  review critically and utilise scientific research evidence that is available concerning the epidemiology, aetiology and treatment of the mental disorders in question;
3. examine critically various attempts made by the theorists and researchers to understand the causes of the disorders and the factors maintaining the disorders;
4. discuss critically the complexity of mental disorders, and the interactions of neurophysiological, psychodynamic, developmental, cognitive-behavioural and sociocultural factors with regard to the causation and treatment of various mental disorders;
5. demonstrate sensitivity and awareness of the possibility of abnormal propensity of individuals while taking into consideration the cultural context.


Assessment Tasks
Class Attendance and Participation
10 %
Two Quizzes
15 %
Group Presentation
25 %
Two Written Report
25 %
Final Exam
For Reference Only
© 2020 Department of Counselling & Psychology, Hong Kong Shue Yan University