Department of Counselling Psychology Course outline
Programme Master of Social Sciences in Psychology
Course Title Applied Positive Psychology
Course Code PSY564
Number of Credits 3
Duration of Weeks 13
Contact Hours Per Week 2.5 hours lecture
Pre-requisite Course(s) N/A
Course Aims
This course allows students to learn about the foundation, key concepts, theories, significance and recent development of positive psychology. In particular, students will learn positive psychology, as a science, can be applied in different settings such as schools and workplaces, to enhance well-being. The course will introduce the study of topics (e.g., positive emotions, subjective well-being, strengths and virtues, gratitude, hope and resilience etc.) related to positive aspects of human experience. Throughout the course, the relevance, importance, and implementation of applying positive psychology intervention (especially in Chinese cultures) will also be discussed

Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOS)

Upon completion of this course students should be able to:

  1. Compare positive psychology with traditional psychology and to discuss how the two different branches can be complementary to each other.

  2. Reflect about their own strengths and life values that can support their personal growth and build a positive lifestyle

  3. Apply the principles, skills and strategies of positive psychology in different settings

  4. Critically evaluate the claims of positive psychology in promoting well-being.

  5. Examine the effectiveness (person-fit and context-fit) of various positive psychology intervention approaches and strategies learnt to cultivate and sustain optimal wellbeing and flourishing, particularly in the areas of positive psychotherapy, positive education, and positive workplace.

  6. Analyse the cultural fit of adopting positive psychology from Western perspectives and examine what Chinese values can contribute to the implementation and effectiveness of positive psychology interventions and programs in Chinese societies.



Assessment Tasks
10 %
Experiential Essay
20 %
Well-being Project Proposal
35 %
Closed-book Final Quiz
35 %
For Reference Only
© 2020 Department of Counselling & Psychology, Hong Kong Shue Yan University