Prof. TANG, So-Kum Catherine

Vice President (Graduate School),
Distinguished Professor of Psychology

-Behavior Addiction and Health Psychology
-Life Adversity and Trauma Psychology
-Women’s Health & Violence Against Women
-Family Violence
-Psychological Intervention outcome
Ph.D in Clinical Psychology, University of North Texas, USA
M.S. in Clinical Psychology, University of North Texas, USA
BA. In Psychology & Sociology, University of North Texas, USA
LLB (Hon), University of London, UK


 Lui, W.K., & Tang, C. (2024). Review on problematic online pornography in mainland China. Annals of Public Health & Epidemiology, 2(4): 2024. APHE.2024.02.000544
Tang, C., Siu, T., Chow, T.S., & Kwok, H. (2024). A 6-item Family Resilience Scale (FRS6) for Measuring Longitudinal Trajectory of Family Adjustment. Behavioral Sciences,14(3),251.
Lau, B., Tang, C., Holroyd, E., & Wong, W. (2024). Challenges and implications for menopausal health and help-seeking behaviors in midlife women in the United States and China in light of COVID pandemic: Online Panel Surveys. Public Health and Surveillance,10, e46548.
Chow, T.S., Tang, C., Siu, S.S., & Kwok, S.H. (2024). Examining the roles of self-compassion and self-control in managing work-family conflicts and preventing burnout during the pandemic: A three-wave longitudinal study in China. International Journal of Psychology.
Tang, C., Siu, T., Chow, T.S., & Kwok, H. (2023). The Role of family resilience and pandemic burnout on mental health: A two-wave study in China. International Journal of Environmental Research & Public Health, 25, 303.
Tang, C., Gan, K.Q., & Lui, W.K. (2023). The associations between obsessive-compulsive personality traits, self-efficacy, and exercise addition. Behavioral Sciences, 13, 857.
Lu, Y., Jin, X., Feng, L. Tang, C., Neo, M., & Ho, R. (2022). Effects of illness perception on negative emotions and fatigue in chronic rheumatic illness: Rumination as a possible mediator. World Journal of Clinical Cases, 10, 12515-12531.
Chow, TS., Tang, C., Siu, S., & Kwok, H. (2022). Family Resilience Scale Short Form (FRS16): Validation in US and Chinese samples. Frontier in Psychiatry, 13, 845803. Doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.845803
Gan, K.Q., & Tang, C. (2022). Sibling violence and psychological adjustment: The role of maladaptive coping and maternal authoritativeness. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 37, NP526-NP550.
Tang, C. et al. (2021). The associations among emotional factors, personality traits, and addiction-like eating: A study on university students in six Asian countries/regions. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 54, 123-224.
Chan, C.Y., Lee, A., Chung, K.F., Koh, Y.W., Lee, C.P., & Tang, C. (2021) Hypomanic symptoms in early pregnancy: prevalence and associated factors. Archives of Women’s Mental Health, 24, 463-471.
Chan, C.Y., Lee, A., Koh, Y., & Tang, C. (2020). Validation of the Chinese version of the Pregnancy-related Anxiety Questionnaire-Revised (PRAQ-R) and its distinction from general anxiety and depression among pregnant women. Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecology, 41, 215-223.



Koh, Y., Tang, C., Gan, Y., & Kwon, J.Y. (2020). Depressive symptoms and self-efficacy as mediators between life stress and compulsive buying: A cross-cultural comparison. Journal of Addiction & Recovery, 3, 1017.


Tang, C., & Yogo, M. (2019). Depression as a mediator between social anxiety and social networking addiction. Journal of Mental Health & Clinical Psychology, 3, 10-15.


Chan, C., Lee, A., Koh, Y.W., Lam, S., Lee, C.P., Leung, K.Y., & Tang, C. (2019). Associations of body dissatisfaction with anxiety and depression in the pregnancy and postpartum periods: A longitudinal study. Journal of Affective Disorders, 265, 582-592.


Chan, C., Lee, A., Koh, Y.W., Lam, S., Lee, C.P., Leung, K.Y., & Tang, C. (2019). Course, risk factors, and adverse outcomes of disordered eating in pregnancy. International Journal of Eating Disorder, 52, 652-658.


Tang, C., Lim, M., Kho, J., & Cheung, F. (2019). Emotion dysregulation mediating the associations among work stress, burnout, and problem gambling: A serial multiple mediation model. Journal of Gambling Studies, 35, 813-828.


Wong, W., Yuen, W., Tang, C., Holroyd, E., & Fong, D. (2019). Evaluation and mechanism analysis of HIV prevention program using resilience framework among female sex workers: A randomized controlled trial. Preventive Medicine Reports, 13, 229-237.


Chan, C.Y., Lee, A., Koh, Y., & Tang, C. (2019). Validation of the Chinese versio of the Pregnancy-related Anxiety Questionnaire-Revised (PRAQ-R) and its distinction from general anxiety and depression among pregnant women. Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecology, DOI: 10.1080/0167482X.2019.1639042


Koh, Y., Tang, C., & Gan, Y. (2018). Influences of life stress, self-efficacy, and social support on social networking addiction among college students in China and the United States. Journal of Addiction & Recovery


Tang, C. et al. (2018) Relative risks of internet-related addictions and mood disturbances among college students: A 7-country/region comparison, Public Health, 165, 16-25.


Tang, C. (2018). Depression and impulsivity mediating the relationship between social anxiety and internet addiction. International Journal of Psychology & Behavior Analysis


Tang, C., Mian, M., Min, K., & Cheung, F. (2017). Health and mental health outcome of work addiction among employed adults in China and the United States. International Journal of Psychiatry


Tang, C., Koh, Y., & Gan, Y. (2017). Depressive symptoms and addiction to internet use, online gaming, and online social networking among young adults in China, Singapore, and United States. Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health, 29, 673-682.


Tang, C., & Koh, Y (2017). Online social networking addiction among college students in Singapore: Comorbidity with behavioral addiction and affective disorders. Asian Journal of Psychiatry, 25, 175-178.


Yeo, S.N., Zainal, H., Tang, C., Tong, E., Ho, C., Y. & Ho, R. (2017). Success/failure condition influences attribution of control, negative effect, and shame among patients with depression in Singapore. BMC Psychiatry, 17:285, 1-7.


Ching, T. H. W., & Tang, C. S. (2016). Cognitive dissonance about TAF beliefs improves and maintains the effects of TAF-specific psychoeducation. Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy: An International Quarterly, 30, 235-252.


Ching, T., Tang, C., Wu, & Yan, E. (2016). Gender differences in pathways to compulsive buying in Chinese college students in Hong Kong and Macau. Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 5, 342-350.


Koh, Y., Lee, A., Chan, C., Tang, C., Fong, D., Lee, C., & Leung, K. (2016). Survey on examining prevalence of paternal anxiety and its risks factors in prenatal period in Hong Kong: A longitudinal study. BMC Public Health,


Yuen, W., Wong, C., Holroyd, H., Tang, C., & Wong, W. (2016). Psychosocial health and HIV transmission among sex workers: A systematic review and meta-analysis. AIDS Care – Psychological and Social-medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV, 28, 816-824.


Lu, Y., Tang, C., Liow, C.S., Ng, W., Ho, R., & Roger, H. (2014). A regressional analysis of maladaptive rumination, illness perception and negative emotional outcome in Asian patients suffering from depressive disorder. Asian Journal of Psychiatry, 12, 69-76.


Yuen, W, Wong, C., Holroyd, E. & Tang, C. (2014). Resilience in work-related stress among female sex workers in Hong Kong. Qualitative Health Research, 24, 1232-1241.


Koh, Y.W., Chui, C.Y., Tang, C., & Lee, A. (2014). The prevalence and risk factors of paternal depression from the antenatal and postpartum period and the relationships between antenatal and postpartum depression among fathers in Hong Kong. Depression Research and Treatment, 127632, 1-11.


Yuen, W., Wong, W., Tang, C., Holroyd, E. etc. (2013). Evaluating the effectiveness of personal resilience and enrichment program for HIV prevention among female sex workers: A randomized controlled trial. British Public Health, 13, 683-693.


Gan, Y., Tang, C., Radriguez, M., Liu, X., & Xie, X. (2013). The role of resilience in Sichuan earthquake. Journal of Health Psychology, 18, 1232-1241.


Anselm, M., Tang, C., Roger Ho. (2013). Serum tumor necrosis factor-alpha is associated with poor health-related quality of life and depressive symptoms in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. Lupus, 22, 254-261.


Wu, A., & Tang, C. (2013). Problem gambling of Chinese college students: Application of the theory of planned behavior. Journal of Gambling Studies, 28, 315-324.


Cheung, F., & Tang, C. (2012). Chinese undergraduate students’ work value: The role of parental work experience and part-time work. Journal of Career Development, 39, 231-247.


Tang, C., & Wu, A. (2011). Validation of the Chinese version of the Gambling Motivation Scale (C-GMS). Journal of Gambling Studies, 27, 709-724.


Davis, C., Sloan, M., & Tang, C. (2011). Role occupancy, quality, and psychological distress among Caucasian and African American women. Affilia-Journal of Women and Social Work, 26, 72-82.


Tang, C., & Oei, T. (2011). Gambling cognition and subjective well-being as mediators between perceived stress and problem gambling: A cross-cultural study on Caucasian and Chinese gamblers. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 25, 511-520.


Cheung, F., Tang, C., & Tang, T. (2011). Psychological capital as a moderator between emotional labor and job outcome among school teachers in China. International Journal of Stress Management, 18, 348-371.


Anselm, M., Tang, C., Cheak, C., & Roger, H. (2011). Damage accrual, cumulative glucocorticoid dose and depression predict anxiety in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. Clinical Rheumatology, 30, 795-803.


Leung, W., Wong,W., Tang, C., & A. Lee. (2011). Attitudes and child abuse reporting behaviors among Hong Kong GPs. Family Practice, 28, 195-201.


Tang, C., Wong, W., Leung, W., Lee, A., & Ling, D. (2011). Health compromising behaviors among Chinese adolescents: role of physical abuse, school experience, and social support. Journal of Health Psychology, 16, 457-466.


Tang, C. & Wu, A. (2011). Gambling-related cognitive biases and pathological gambling among youths, young adults, and mature adults in Chinese societies. Journal of Gambling Studies, 28, 139-154.


Tang, C., & Wu, A. (2011). Impulsivity, life stress, refusal efficacy, and problem gambling among Chinese: testing the diathesis-stress-coping model. International Journal of Stress Management, 18, 268-283.


Cheung, F., & Tang, C. (2010). Effects of age, gender, and emotional labor strategies on job outcome: Moderated mediation analysis. Applied Psychology: Health & Well-being, 2, 323-339.


Cheung, F., & Tang, C (2010). The influence of emotional dissonance on subjective health and job satisfaction: Testing the stress-strain-outcome model. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 40, 3192-3217.


Lai, B., Tang, C., & Chung, T. (2010). A prospective longitudinal study investigating neuroticism and mastery as predictors of quality of life among Chinese gynecological cancer survivors. Quality of Life Research, 19, 931-941.


Li, M., Friese, I, & Tang, C. (2010). Understanding adolescent sexual harassment and abuse: Using the theory of planned behavior. Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research & Treatment, 22, 157-171.


Tang, C., & Wu, A. (2010). Direct and indirect influences of fate control belief, gambling expectancy bias, and self-efficacy on problem gambling and negative mood among Chinese college students: A multiple mediation analysis. Journal of Gambling Studies, 26, 533-543.


Tang, C., Lai, B., & Chung, T. (2010). Influence of mastery, spousal support, and adaptive coping on sexual drives and satisfaction among Chinese gynecologic cancer survivors. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 39, 1191-1200.


Tang, C., Wu, A., Tang, J., & Yan, E. (2010). Reliability, validity, and cut scores of the South Oaks Gambling Screen (SOGS) for Chinese. Journal of Gambling Studies, 26, 145-158.


Yan, E., Tang, C., & Chung, T. (2010). Validation of the perinatal grief scale for use in Chinese women who have experienced recent reproductive loss. Death Studies34, 151-171.


Cheung, F., & Tang, C. (2009). Quality of work life as a mediator between emotional labor and work family interference. Journal of Business and Psychology24, 245-255.


Ip, W.Y., Tang, C., & Goggins, W. (2009). An educational intervention to improve women’s ability to cope with childbirth. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 18, 2125-2135.


Lai, B., Tang, C., & Chung, T. (2009). Age specific correlates of quality of life in Chinese women with cervical cancer. Supportive Care in Cancer17, 271-278.


Lee, A., Tang, C., & Chong, C. (2009). A culturally sensitive study of premenstrual and menstrual symptoms among Chinese women. Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecology, 30, 105-114.


Schwingel, A., Nit, M., Tang, c., & Ng, T.P. (2009). Continued work employment and volunteerism and mental well-being of older adults: Singapore longitudinal ageing studies. Age and Ageing, 38, 531-537.


Tang, C., & Wu, A. (2009). Screening for college problem gambling in Chinese societies: Psychometric properties of the Chinese version of the South Oaks Gambling Screen (C-SOGS). International Gambling Studies, 9, 263-274.


Tang, C., Wu, A., Yeung, D., & Yan, E. (2009). Attitudes and intention toward old age home placement: A study of young adult, middle-aged, and older Chinese. Aging International, 34, 237-251.


Tang, C. (2009). The influence of family-work role experience and mastery of psychological health of Chinese employed mothers. Journal of Health Psychology, 14, 1207-1217.


Wong, W., Leung, P., Tang, C., Chen, W., Lee, A., & Ling, D. (2009). To unfold a hidden epidemic: Prevalence of child maltreatment and its health implications among high school students in Southern China. Child Abuse & Neglect, 33,441-450.


Wu, A., & Tang, C. (2009). Solving the dilemma: Family communication about organ donation among Chinese, Japan, and Caucasian American college students. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 39, 1639-1659.


Wu, A., & Tang, C. (2009). The negative impact of death anxiety on self-efficacy and willingness to donate organs among Chinese adults. Death Studies, 33, 51-72.


Cheung, F., & Tang, C. (2008). The influence of emotional intelligence and affectivity on emotional labor strategies at work. Journal of Individual Differences30, 75-86.


Lai, B., & Tang, C. (2008). The negative impact of maternal bulimic symptoms on parenting behavior. Journal of Psychosomatic Research65, 181-189.


Leung, P., Wong, W., Cheng, Q., & Tang, C. (2008). Prevalence and determinants of child maltreatment among high school students in southern China: A large school based survey. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health, 2, 1186-1753.


Tang, C. (2008). The influence of gender-related factors on HIV prevention among Chinese women with disrupted marital relationship. Sex Roles: A Journal of Research 59,, 119-126.


Tang, C. (2008). Gendered economic, social, and cultural challenges to HIV/AIDS prevention and intervention for Chinese women. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 17, 339-360.



Tang, C. & Lai, B. (2008). A review of empirical literature on the prevalence and risk markers of male-on-female intimate partner abuse in contemporary China, 1987-2006. Aggression & Violent Behavior, 13, 10-28.


Wong, W., Tang, C., Leung, P., Chen, W., Lee, A., & Ling, D. (2008). Individual and contextual determinants of child physical abuse among high school students in China. Social Science & Medicine, 68; 1819-1825.


Cheung, F., & Tang, C. (2007).The influence of emotional dissonance and resources at work on job burnout among Chinese human service employees. International Journal of stress Management, 14, 72-87.


Ip, W.Y., Chung, T., & Tang, C. (2007). The Chinese Childbirth Self-Efficacy Inventory: The development of a short form. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 17, 330-340.


Tang, C. (2007). Trajectory of traumatic stress symptoms in the aftermath of extreme natural disaster. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 195, 1-6.


Tang, C. (2007). Posttraumatic growth of Southeast Asian Survivors with physical injuries: Six months after the 2004 Southeast Asian Earthquake-Tsunami. Australian Journal of Disaster and Traumatic Stress.


Tang, C., Wu, A., & Tang, J. (2007). Gender differences in characteristics of Chinese treatment-seeking problem gamblers. Journal of Gambling Studies, 23, 145-156.


Yan, E., & Tang, C. (2007). Spousal support as a resilience factor in mitigating Chinese women’s grief reaction to reproductive loss. Journal of Psychology in Chinese Societies.


Yan, E., Kwok, T., Tang, C., & Ho, F. (2007). Factors associated with life satisfaction of personal care workers delivering dementia care in day care centers. Social Work in Health Care.


Cheung, F., & Tang, C., & Yan, E. (2006). Factors influencing intention to continue volunteering: A study of older Chinese in Hong Kong. Journal of Social Service Research, 32, 193-209.


Lai, B., Tang, C. , & Tse, W. (2006). A longitudinal study investigating disordered eating during the transition to motherhood among Chinese Women in Hong Kong. International Journal of Eating Disorder, 39, 303-311.

Tang, C. (2006). Corporal punishment and physical maltreatment against children: A community study on Chinese parents in Hong Kong. Child Abuse & Neglect, 30, 893-907.


Tang, C. (2006). Positive and negative post-disaster psychological adjustment among adult Survivors of the Southeast Asia earthquake-tsunami. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 61, 699-705.


Lai, B., Tang, C., & Tse, W. (2005). Prevalence and psychosocial correlates of disordered eating among Chinese pregnant women in Hong Kong. Eating Disorders: The Journal of Treatment and Intervention, 13, 171-187.


Tam, S., & Tang, C. (2005). Comparing wife abuse perceptions between Chinese police officers and social workers.Journal of Family Violence, 20, 29-38.


Tang, C., & Wong, C. (2005). Psychosocial Factors Influencing the Practice of Preventive Behaviors Against the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Among Older Chinese in Hong Kong. Journal of Aging and Health, 17, 490-506.


Wong, C., & Tang, C. (2005). Practice of habitual and volitional health behaviors to prevent severe acute respiratory syndrome among Chinese adolescents in Hong Kong. Journal of Adolescent Health, 36, 193-200.


Wu, A., Tang, C., & Yan, E. (2005). Post-retirement voluntary work and psychological functioning among older adults in Hong Kong. Journal of Cross-cultural Gerontology, 20, 27-45.


Yeung, D., Tang, C., & Lee, A. (2005). Psychosocial and cultural factors influencing perceptions of menarche: A study on Chinese pre-menarcheal teenage girls. Journal of Adolescent Research, 20, 118-13.


Cheng, C., & Tang, C. (2004). Psychology behind the masks: Psychological responses to the SARS outbreak in different cultures. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 7, 3-7


Davis, C., & Tang, C. (2004). The impact of peer, family and school on delinquency: A study of at risk Chinese adolescents in Hong Kong. International Social Work Journal, 47, 489-520.


Tang, C., & Wong, C. (2004). Factors influencing the wearing of facemasks to prevent the severe acute respiratory syndrome among adult Chinese in Hong Kong. Preventive Medicine, 39, 1187-1193.


Tang, C., & Wong, C. (2004). Psychosocial factors influencing the practice of preventive behavior against the severe acute respiratory syndrome among older Chinese in Hong Kong. Journal of Aging and Health,17, 1-17


Tang, C., & Yan, E. (2004). Intention to participate in child sexual abuse prevention programs: A study of Chinese adults in Hong Kong. Child Abuse & Neglect, 28, 1187-1197.


Tang, C., Yeung, D., & Lee, A. (2004). A comparison of pre-menarcheal expectations and post-menarcheal experiences in Chinese early adolescence. Journal of Early Adolescence, 24, 180-195.


Wong, C., & Tang, C. (2004). Coming out experiences and psychological distress of Chinese homosexual men in Hong Kong. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 33, 149-157.


Wong, C., & Tang, C. (2004). Sexual practices and psychosocial correlates of current condom use among Chinese gay men in Hong Kong. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 33, 159-167.


Wu, A., Tang, C., & Kwok, T. (2004). Physical and psychosocial factors associated with health-promoting behaviors among elderly Chinese with Type-2 Diabetes. Journal of Health Psychology, 9, 731-740.


Wu, A., Tang, C., & Kwok, T. (2004). Self-efficacy, health locus of control, and psychological distress in elderly Chinese women with chronic illnesses. Aging & Mental Health, 8, 21-28.


Wu, A., Tang, C., & Yan, E. (2004). Psychosocial factors associated with acceptance of old age home placement: A study of elderly Chinese in Hong Kong. Journal of Applied Gerontology, 23, 487-504.


Yan, E., & Tang, C. (2004). Elder abuse by caregivers: A study of prevalence and risk factors in Hong Kong Chinese families. Journal of Family Violence, 19, 269-27


Davis, C., Tang, C., & Ko, J. (2003). Assessing the impact of social factors on the mental health of Chinese at risks adolescent in Hong Kong. British Journal of Social Work, 32, 609-619.


Tang, C. (2003). Factors influencing responsibility attribution in wife abuse: A study of Chinese police officers. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 30, 584-601.


Tang, C., & Tam, S. (2003). How do Chinese public service professional trainees attribute responsibility to victims and perpetrators of violence against women? Sex Roles, 48, 245-253.


Tang, C., & Wong, C. (2003). An outbreak of the severe acute respiratory syndrome: predictors of health behaviors and impact of community prevention measures. American Journal of Public Health, 93, 1887-1888


Tang, C., Yeung, D., & Lee, A. (2003). Psychosocial correlates of emotional responses to menarche among Chinese adolescent girls. Journal of Adolescent Health, 33,193-201


Wong, C., & Tang, C. (2003). Personality, psychosocial variables, and life satisfaction of Chinese gay men in Hong Kong. Journal of Happiness Studies, 4, 285-293.


Yan, E., & Tang, C. (2003). Proclivity to elder abuse: A community study on Hong Kong Chinese. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 18, 999-1017.


Yan, E., & Tang, C. (2003). The role of individual, interpersonal, and organizational factors in mitigating burnout among elderly Chinese volunteers. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 18, 795-802


Yip, S., Chan, A., Pang, S., Leung, P., Tang, C., Shek, D., & Chung, T. (2003). The impact of urodynamic stress incontinence and detrusor overactivity on marital relationship and sexual function. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology, 188, 1244-1248.


Ngo, H., Tang, C., & Au, W. (2002). Behavioral responses to employment discrimination: A study of Hong Kong workers.  The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 13, 1-18.


Tang, C. (2002). Childhood experience of sexual abuse among Hong Kong Chinese college students. Child Abuse & Neglect, 26, 23-37.


Tang, C., Au, W., & Ngo, H. (2002). Impact of background characteristics and gender-role attitudes on Chinese perceptions of selection criteria. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 5, 135-143.


Tang, C., Cheung, F., Chen, R., & Sun, X. (2002). Definition of violence against women: A comparative study in Chinese societies of Hong Kong, Taiwan, and PRC. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 17, 671-68


Tang, C., Lee, A., Tang, T., Cheung, F., & Chan, C. (2002). Role occupancy, role quality, and psychological distress in Chinese women. Women & Health, 36, 49-97


Tang, C., Pun, S. H., & Cheung, F. (2002). Responsibility attribution to violence against women: A study of Chinese public service professionals. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 26, 175-185.


Tang, C., Wong, D., & Cheung, F. (2002). Social construction of women as legitimate victims of violence against women in Chinese societies. Violence Against Women, 8, 968-996.


Tang, C., Wu, A., & Yan, E. (2002). Psychosocial correlates of death anxiety among Chinese college students. Death Studies, 26, 491-499.


Wu, A., & Tang, C. (2002). Death anxiety among Chinese elderly people in Hong Kong. Journal of Aging and Health, 14, 42-56.


Yan, E., Tang, C., & Yeung, D. (2002). No safe haven: A review on elder abuse in Chinese families. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse: A Review Journal, 3, 167-18


Tang, C., Au, W., Schwarzer, R., & Schmitz, G. (2001). Mental health outcomes of job stress among Chinese teachers: Role of stress resource factors and burnout. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 22, 887-901.


Tang, T., & Tang, C. (2001). Gender role internalization, multiple roles, and Chinese women’s mental health.Psychology of Women Quarterly, 25, 181-196.


Tang, C., Wong, C., & Lee, A. (2001). Gender-related psychosocial and cultural factors associated with condom use among Chinese married women. AIDS Education and Prevention, 13, 329-342.


Wong, C., & Tang, C. (2001). Understanding heterosexual Chinese college students’ intention to adopt safer sex behaviors. The Journal of Sex Research, 38, 118-126.


Yan, E., & Tang, C. (2001). Prevalence and psychological impact of Chinese elder abuse. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 16, 1158-1174.


Yeung, D., & Tang, C. (2001). Impact of job characteristics on psychological health of Chinese single working women.Women & Health, 33, 85-100.


Yiu, C., Au, W., & Tang, C. (2001). Burnout and duration of service among Chinese voluntary workers. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 4, 103-111


Leung, J.P., Leung, P., & Tang, C. (2000). A vigilance study of ADHD and control children: Event rate and extra-task stimulation. Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, 12, 187-201.


Schwarzer, R., Schmitz, G.S., & Tang, C. (2000). Teacher burnout in Hong Kong and Germany: A cross-cultural validation of the Maslach Burnout Inventory. Anxiety, Stress, and Coping, 13, 309-326.


Tang, C., Davis, C., Wu, A., & Oliver, C. (2000). Chinese children’s attitudes toward mental retardation. Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, 12, 39-53.


Tang, C., Wong, D., Cheung, F., & Lee, A. (2000). Exploring how Chinese define violence against women: A focus group study in Hong Kong. Women’s Studies International Forum, 23, 197-209.


Chan, D., Tang, C., & Chan, W. (1999). Sexual harassment: A systematic analysis of its effects on Hong Kong women in the workplace and academia. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 23, 661-672.


Davis, C., Tang, C., Chan, F., & Noel, B. (1999). The development and validation of the International Aids Questionnaire-Chinese version (IAQ-C). Educational and Psychological Measurement, 59, 481-491.


Tang, C. (1999). Marital power and aggression in a community sample of Hong Kong Chinese families. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 14, 586-602.


Tang, C. (1999). Wife abuse in Hong Kong Chinese families: A community survey. Journal of Family Violence, 14, 173-191.


Tang, C., & Lee, Y. (1999). Knowledge of sexual abuse and self-protection skills: A study on female Chinese adolescent with mild mental retardation. Child Abuse & Neglect, 23, 269-279.


Davis, C., & Tang, C. (1998). Exploring current behaviors and social service needs for Chinese juvenile delinquents in Hong Kong. Children and Youth Services Review, 20, 733-745


Goodwin, R., & Tang, C. (1998). The transition to uncertainty?: The impacts of Hong Kong 1997 on personal relationships. Personal Relationships, 5, 183-190.


Kwok, T., Tang, C., Woo, J., Lai, W., Law, L., & Pang, C. (1998). Randomized trial of the effect of supplementation on the cognitive function of older people with subnormal cobalamin levels. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 13, 611-616.


Lee, Y., & Tang, C. (1998). An evaluation of a sexual abuse prevention program for female Chinese adolescents with mental retardation. American Journal on Mental Retardation, 103, 105-116.


Tang, C. (1998). Assessment of burnout for Chinese human service professionals: A study of factorial validity and invariance. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 54, 55-58.


Tang, C. (1998). Frequency of parental violence against children in Chinese families: Impact of age and gender. Journal of Family Violence, 13, 113-130.


Tang, C. (1998). Psychological abuse of Chinese women.  Journal of Family Violence, 13, 299-314.


Tang, C. (1998). The rate of physical child abuse in Chinese families: A community survey in Hong Kong. Child Abuse & Neglect, 22, 381-391.


Chen, Y.K., & Tang, C. (1997). Stress appraisal and social support of Chinese mothers of adult children with mental retardation. American Journal on Mental Retardation, 101, 473-482.


Tang, C. (1997). Psychological impact of wife abuse: Experiences of Chinese women and their children. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 12, 446-478.


Tang, C., & Cheung, F. (1997). Effects of gender and profession type on definitions of violence against women. Sex Roles, 36, 837-849.


Tang, C., & Chung, T. (1997). Psychosexual adjustment following sterilization: A prospective controlled study on Chinese women.  Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 42, 187-196.


Tang, C., & Lau, B.H. (1997). The assessment of gender role stress for Chinese. Sex Roles, 33, 537-545.


Tang, C., & Lau, H. B. (1997). Gender role stress and burnout in gender-typed professionals. Anxiety, Stress, and Coping, 9, 217-227.


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Gamification of Social Emotional Learning for Middle Primary School Students (2024: HK$18.86 Million, Principal Investigator: Prof Catherine Tang)

Intergeneration Research on Well-being and Quality of Life (2023: HK$5,000,000, Private Donation, Principal Investigator: Prof Catherine Tang)

Human Resilience, Life Adversity, and Adaptation to Life Course Transitions from Early Adulthood to Late Middle Adulthood (2022: HK$4,662,005; RGC IDS(C)) - Principal Investigator

An Interdisciplinary Evidence-based Approach in Understanding Resilient Functioning to Prevent Caregiver Burden and Burnout in Family with Special Needs Children (2021: HK$1,000,000; Wisdom Trade (HK) Limited) - Principal Investigator

Exploring Multilevel Factors of Resilience and Well-being: A Multi-country study in US, China, Hong Kong, and Singapore (2021: HK$880,000; Research Matching Grant Scheme) – Principal Investigator

Understanding How Family Caregivers of Children with Special needs Adjust to COVID-19 pandemic: Longitudinal and Multi-country Surveys (2022: HK$120,000; Research Matching Grant Scheme) – Principal Investigator: Prof Catherine Tang

Exploring and Understanding Psychological Factors Related to Family Resilience in the Pandemic Period (2021: HK$300,000; Hong Kong Single Parents Association) - Principal Investigator: Prof Catherine Tang

Childlessness in Modern Chinese Societies: Identifying Individual-Social-Economic-Cultural Determinants, Consequences, and Implications of Lifetime Childlessness (2022: HK$300,000; Research Matching Grant Scheme) – Principal Investigator: Prof Catherine Tang

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