Dr. CHEUNG, Yim Yen.

- Child Development and Family Relationship
- Adolescent Identity and Career Development
- Personality
- Counselling and Psychotherapy
Master of Social Sciences in Counseling Psychology, Hong Kong Shue Yan University
Bachelor of Social Sciences (Psychology), The Open University of Hong Kong
Cheung, Y. (2018, November). Youth Trapped in the Middle:在夾層中掙扎的年青一代. Book Chapter Published Online on the Centre for Youth Research and Practice Hong Kong Baptist University.
Cheung, Y. (2018, July). 啟德新公共屋苑女性住戶的社區支援及服務需求初探 (2017-2018). Internally published by Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui.
Cheung, Y. (2023, July). 香港輔導心理學實習生所面臨的機會和挑戰:一個定性的研究. Oral presentation at the 10th Forum on Psychological Guidance and Counseling at Tertiary Institutions in Taiwan, Mainland China, Macau and Hong Kong, Capital Normal University, Beijing, China.
Cheung, Y. (2023, July). 輔導心理學專業在香港的發展、挑戰及機遇. Oral presentation at the 2023 Conference of Clinical and Counselling Psychology, Chinese Psychological Society, Beijing Normal University, Zhuhai, China.
Cheung, Y. (2022, July). 我在香港高校任輔導心理學家:一個訪談研究的初步結果. Oral presentation at the 9th Forum on Psychological Guidance and Counseling at Tertiary Institutions in Taiwan, Mainland China, Macau and Hong Kong, Hong Kong Shue Yan University, China.
Cheung, Y. (2022, July). 在高校開展線上心理諮詢的系統綜述研究. Oral presentation at the 9th Forum on Psychological Guidance and Counseling at Tertiary Institutions in Taiwan, Mainland China, Macau and Hong Kong, Hong Kong Shue Yan University, China.
Cheung, Y. (2021, November). Child Assessment in Counselling Work. Oral presentation at the 2021 Children's Development and Healing Forum (Online).
Cheung, Y. (2019, July). The Clinical Application of the Client-directed Outcome-Informed Theory and Tools in College Counselling. Oral presentation at the 8th Cross-Strait University Student Counselling Summit, Guizhou University, China.
Cheung, Y. & Li, W. O. (2019, May). Cultural Values of Chinese Mothers and Adolescent Development in Hong Kong.Oral presented at The Institutional Development Scheme International Conference 2019, Hong Kong Shue Yan University.
Cheung, Y., & Li, W. O. (2017, December). The Influence of Chinese Cultural Values to Parenting Styles and Child Development. Poster presented at the 5th Asia Pacific Rim International Counselling & Psychotherapy Conference, Singapore.
Cheung, Y. (2015, November). Using SRS of CDOI for Junior Clinical Supervisor in Supervision Practice. Poster presented at the 4th Asia Pacific Rim International Counselling & Psychotherapy Conference, Wuhan.
Cheung, Y., & Lin, M. (2013, August). A Case Study--Using CDOI Therapy by Counseling Psychologist Trainee in Practice. Presented at the 3rd Asia Pacific Rim International Counselling & Psychotherapy Conference, Malaysia.
COUN200 Theories and Systems in Counselling and Psychotherapy
COUN210 Micro-Skills in Counselling and Psychotherapy
COUN320 School Counselling
COUN350 Child Counselling
COUN360 Adolescent Counselling
COUN370 Counselling Students with Special Education Needs
COUN461-2 Internship
CP507 Clinical Seminar: School Psychology and Counselling
CP517 Cultural and Individual Diversity
CP519 Assessment and Evaluation for Counselling Psychology
CP522 Professional Practice and Ethical Issues in Counselling Psychology
Monday 2pm-6pm
Friday 2pm-6pm