Department of Counselling Psychology Course outline
Programme Master of Social Sciences in Play Therapy
Course Title Filial Therapy
Course Code MPT509
Number of Credits 3
Duration of Weeks 15
Pre-requisite Course(s) N/A
Cluster Evaluating Evidence Base of Practice
Course Aims
This course addresses theoretical and practical knowledge, as well as the practical skills, involved in the practice of training and supervising parents in enhancing their relationship with their children through practices of filial therapy, including child-parent relational training. The course teaches the theories that form the foundation of practices such as filial therapy, including information on attachment, as well as relevant research that informs the practice of filial therapy and parental training and support. Students are taught key approaches and models of filial therapy and parent-child relationship training, and will have an opportunity to practice skills involved in the interventions. Students will perform a brief project involving parents in training that enhances their relationship with their children. The unique challenges of parent-child relationships in Hong Kong, and the broader influence of Chinese culture and tradition that will influence the practice of filial therapy will be addressed, as well as the specific ethical considerations that come to play in this field.
Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOS)

l   Discuss theories of childhood, family and parenting, that inform the practice of filial therapy, as well as of relevant research.

l   Evaluate key models of filial therapy and parent-child relational training, and their rationale and key techniques.

l   Demonstrate interactional skills central to the work of filial therapy.

l   Analyze family life, childhood and parenting in the context of Hong Kong and traditional (and contemporary) influences of Chinese culture on filial therapy.

l  Apply professional ethical awareness and decision-making to the practice of filial therapy and relevant cases

Assessment Tasks
Discussion and Participation
Reading Reports
Student Presentations of Intervention
Evaluation and Reflection Report
For Reference Only
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